Wraparound Care
Breakfast Club
After school Club
The Wrap Around Care provision consists of two clubs: Breakfast Club and Afterschool Club.
Opening hours and location
The Clubs operate during term time only. Term dates can be found here.
The Breakfast Club is open from 7.30am to 8.40am (breakfast is served from 7.30am to 8.10am).. The After school Club is open from 3.10pm to 5.30pm. Both clubs are located in the small hall (dining hall), with access to the KS1 playground.
Who can attend
The Wrap Around Care provision is available to all children who attend the school. There are 40 places at the Breakfast Club and 30 places at the After school Club. You must request access for your child before you can book them into the clubs. To set up your child for either club please fill in this form
It is the parent/carer’s responsibility to alert the club to any additional requirements that their child needs and to keep the club informed of any changes.. This includes dietary, behavioural and special educational needs, which must be detailed in the registration form. Please allow up to 2 school days for the registration form to be received and authorised. Where additional needs are identified, the relevant Club Co-ordinator will contact parents/carers before the child attends the first session to discuss and agree adjustments and support as needed. The school is committed to supporting children to access the provision and will provide reasonable adjustments.
Drop off/Collection
For the Breakfast Club, children should be dropped off at the rear entrance to the Dining Hall, situated in the KS1 Playground At the end of the session, KS2 children will make their own way to their classroom and KS1 children will be taken to their classrooms by a member of staff.
For the After school Club, KS2 children will make their own way to the Dining Hall at the end of the school day. KS1 children will be taken to the Dining Hall by a member of staff. If the child is attending a separate after school club, e.g. a sports club first, then they will be taken straight to that club and then taken to the small hall by a member of staff when the club finishes.
At the end of the session, children should be picked up from the rear door of the Dining Hall, situated in the KS1 Playground. Children should be picked up by one of their authorised contacts or have permission to walk home. Only authorised persons may collect children. Details of those who are authorised to pick up children will be captured in the registration form. Staff have the right to request formal, photo identification to ensure proof of identification. Any confusion which leads to the child remaining in school supervision will result in a late fee being charged.
Exceptions to these arrangements can be requested by speaking with the Headteacher, who will then discuss with the relevant Club Coordinator.
The Club Coordinator will register children when they arrive at the Club, using the online system (Arbor). Parents/carers will sign the child out, using a paper based system.
Late Collection
Please note that if a child is collected late then there will be a £5 fee for collection within 15 minutes of the club finish time and £20 thereafter Further sessions cannot be booked until the fee is paid. Staff will attempt to contact parents/guardians who are authorised to collect the child. If the child is not collected by 6.30pm then a Designated Safeguarding Lead will be contacted and Social Services will be contacted if required.
If a child is collected late on three occasions, the child will be excluded from the club and club fees may not be refunded.
Healthy Eating
All food served to children will be in accordance with the Healthy Eating Policy. Breakfasts are provided by the school’s catering company, PS Catering. We meet individual dietary requirements wherever possible. Any dietary requirements must be stated on the Registration Form and it is the parent/carers’ responsibility to make sure this is kept up to date by informing the Club coordinator of any changes..
Booking and Payment
Before sessions can be booked, the set up form (Google Form) must be completed. This includes accepting this policy. This is available on the school website. Forms will be processed within two school days. All bookings must be made through Arbor app, following the steps below:
Once your child is registered, you will see a new payment account called Wraparound appear on the Arbor app
2. Choose Quick Actions - Clubs and then choose which club you'd like to book
3. Ensure that you have sufficient funds to book by choosing Top up account
4. Book sessions by choosing Register for this club
Breakfast Club: £6
You will be charged for the full price of the session, regardless of what time your child arrives.
Bookings closes 24 hours in advance of each session. We are unable to accommodate last minute booking, except in exceptional circumstances with authorisation from the Headteacher.
You are able to book up to a maximum of a term in advance (usually 6 or 7 weeks).
After school Club: £10
If your child attends another school club, such as a sports club, before they attend Afterschool Club, you will still be charged the full price of the session.
Bookings closes 24 hours in advance of each session. We are unable to accommodate last minute booking, except in exceptional circumstances with authorisation from the Headteacher.
You are able to book up to a maximum of a term in advance (usually 6 or 7 weeks).
Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis. Booking must be made through Arbor and cannot be made via the School Office or by emailing the Club Co-ordinators.
Refunds and Cancellations
Refunds will only be given if a session is cancelled with 10 school days notice. No refunds will be given if the booking is cancelled or unattended (due to illness or other reasons) and there is less than 10 school days notice. The exception to this is when the decision is made by the Headteacher to cancel the Club unexpectedly. For example, due to adverse weather conditions or staff shortages. In this rare and unlikely situation, full refunds will be given. Reasonable notice will be given where possible.