School Uniform

School Uniform

As part of our school policy and ethos, every child should wear the school uniform and P.E. and games kit. In coming to this school, it is automatically expected that parents will adhere to this policy. 

We reserve the right to forbid items of clothing, accessories and footwear that we deem to be dangerous in school to the individual or others. 

Under no circumstances are items of jewellery including bracelets, rings or earrings to be worn. Small studs only will be accepted, which will need to be removed or covered for PE.  

We ask that hair is kept to a reasonable style and length, with no use of hair gel for safety reasons.  Only ‘functional’ hair accessories are permitted.

The Uniform policy is available here.

Torso inner

A white blouse/shirt

White or red polo shirt

Red and white gingham dress

Torso outer

School jumper / cardigan (or plain red equivalent)

Red fleece jacket (optional for outdoor wear)

Lower half

Grey or black Skirt/Pinafore

Grey or black trousers  (Not joggers or leggings)

Grey or black shorts 


White/Red/Black/Grey socks or tights

Black shoes or ankle boots (no knee high boots, open-toed sandals, heeled shoes or trainers)

PE Kit

On days when children have PE, children should attend school in their appropriate PE kit.  Earrings will need to be removed, or covered.

PE is often done outside so we do ask that the PE kit worn is suitable for the day's weather conditions.

Indoor kit

A plain white T-shirt, or white school PE top

Black gym shorts 

Plimsolls (for Key Stage 1)

Outdoor kit

As above except: 

Trainers are permitted for outdoor games.   

A plain black track suit should be worn for outdoor games in colder weather by all children

Where to purchase it 

Branded school items are available from Superstitch 

We do not insist on branded uniform items and plain equivalents can be purchased from any high street or supermarket retailer.

The school maintains a stock of second-hand uniform. Parents can contact the school office should anyone require support in sourcing uniform.