

Admissions to Voluntary Controlled Church of England Schools:

Applying for a new Reception place:

The arrangements for the admission of children at the beginning of their schooling are made by the Local Authority. To apply on line for a school place please visit:

The priorities below will be used to decide who gets a place at community and voluntary controlled infant, primary and secondary schools.

1. Looked after children and children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or subject to residence orders or special guardianship orders) immediately following being looked after *

2. Children who will have a brother or sister (sibling) ** at the school at the time of admission and who live at the same address, within the predefined community area 

3. Children of staff members contracted to work at the school in question 

4. Other children living within a pre-defined community area ***

5. Children who will have a brother or sister (sibling) at the school (or linked infant or junior school-see priority 3) at the time of admission who live at the same address, outside the predefined community area.

6. Other children living outside the pre-defined community area.

*An explanation of who falls into this criterion can be found in the ‘Explanation of words and phrases’ set out here: Apply for a school place 2025 to 2026 | East Sussex County Council

**The definition of ‘sibling’ can be found in the ‘Explanation of words and phrases’ set out here: Apply for a school place 2025 to 2026 | East Sussex County Council.

***Details of the pre-defined community areas for each school can be found here: Find my community area (primary and junior) | East Sussex County Council

In the event of oversubscription within any category, place allocation will be decided by prioritising applications on the basis of home to school distance measured in a straight line (as the crow flies). For split site schools, we will measure to the site where the child will attend for the majority of lessons at the point of entry

In the event that applicants cannot be prioritised using the tie-breaker above because the distance measurements are the same, the Authority will use random allocation to decide which children will be offered the remaining places. This will be done electronically using the Authority’s admissions software.

Applying for a place in other year groups, or at other times

Arrangements for requesting admission out of year group at other points in a child’s education can be found here:

If you'd like to visit our school or have any questions please Contact Us via the School Office